It's hard to pick a favourite of Stella's videos because they're all so good, and the same can be said about all of them: Her genuine enthusiasm for getting messy shows very clearly. I get the impression she would be doing it for her own enjoyment regardless, and being able sell videos of it to her fans is just a bonus. Anyone who is any sort of WAM fan can probably buy any of her videos and not be disappointed.
Personally, I'm indifferent to the bondage aspect of this video, but there's a few other things I like about it. I like the look of oatmeal as a WAM mess (something about the thickness and lumpiness of it) and I'm sure it must feel as good. I like seeing it mix with the molasses as Stella moves around--they don't stay separate for long! I think having the mess thrown at her (from off camera) is more interesting than it being poured over her head or sitting down in a pool of it. The sound is as pleasant to listen to as the video is to watch: in addition to Stella's usual moans of pleasure (she 'stimulates' herself a few times), there is a 'splat' as each glob of mess hits her, and the loud crinkling sound of the plastic sheet that she and the mess are on, which accentuates her writhing and rolling around in it. Another thing is the swimming goggles she wears for eye protection. Goggles in a WAM video appeal to me for the same reason as swimsuits: clothing intended to get wet with water (in this case, wet on the outside but not the inside) instead getting wet with thick mess. This isn't the only video where Stella wears goggles, but the combination of them with thrown mess is largely what persuaded me to buy this, and I wasn't disappointed: at about 04:12 the goggles really do their job when a big glob of oatmeal lands right on her face.
mattmess 12/24/20